Video Conferencing Responsibilities- Supervisor

Video Conferencing Responsibilities- Supervisor


  • Schedule the online component of the defence by sending a meeting invitation to the candidate and any committee members who will be attending online. Contact the Faculty of Health Graduate Studies Administrator for details on obtaining additional support and coordination from Health Computing for PhD Final defences (including hosting the online component).

  • Zoom is recommended over Teams especially when non-UW attendees are joining online. However, supervisors should use the video conferencing platform they are most comfortable with. See “Self-Host a Remote Defence” under Additional Resources here, https://uwaterloo.ca/health-computing/video-conferencing-graduate-student-defences#AdditionalResources. Webex remains an option for those comfortable with that platform.

  • If Teams is chosen as the meeting platform, call-in details will only be available if a faculty member or staff member schedules the defense (i.e., don't have the student schedule it).

  • Advise the candidate and online attendees to contact Health Computing to do a technology check 7-10 days prior to the defence by emailing hlthco@uwaterloo.ca and providing details regarding the defence date, time (and location if hybrid).

  • Contact Health Computing (well in advance of the defence date) if you have difficulties setting up the online meeting (hlthco@uwaterloo.ca)

  • Perform the role of host for the meeting

  • If issues arise during the defence, email hlthcomputing@uwaterloo.ca and include the meeting link and on-campus location

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