Test Plan (Board Labelled Jeremey, other board NOT tested!!)
Unpowered Tests
Basic Powered Tests
General Tests:
48V Power
5V Power:
at 1A load, the 5V output is dropping to 4.3V
Actually even at the power supply input it is 4.3V, so maybe it’s the power supply
Does it even when connecting power supply directly to the reload, maybe power drop through wires
Ya it is, its 5v right at the power supply terminal but
Highside switched shut down the output at 2A not 2.3 or whatever
17V Power
When 17V was powered without 48V, there was a leakage to 48V, only 100 ohms between the rails
IC VCC is 48, though it is measuring at 17
When 48V was supplied without 17V, nothing
When both 17V and 48V were connected, IC blew up, shorted 48V though the IC,
I think pull resistors on N-CH/P-CH load switch has the output enabled by default
No, they are off by default
Changes for Next Rev
R44 and R45 are 0603 and should be 0805
Change 0.1uF 10V to 50V for consistency (5V high side switched)
3.3k (r2) 0603 part number
There are 16V, 50V and 100V 1uF caps on the board
It should probably double the power rating on the current sense resistors for the 24V buck
Add label to 3v3 led
N-Ch fet description says 340mS instead of 340 mA
Add polarity indicators to terminals
STM reset button footprint is wrong, shorts itself out
Add testpoint labels where convenient
SHDN on CAN should have a test point
RST pin on microcontroller should have testpoint w label
Add clippy testpoints to all of the voltage rails
reduce the small terminal through hole size for better alignment
Both 5V rail ADC pins do not go to ADC capable pins
Current sens +/- pin name wrong
N-CH footprint is wrong
LED doens’t work
17V current sense should be supplier by 17V so it doesn’t blow up
Either combine the 5V rails or make sure all of the start up conditions are on the same 5V rail
Make the current gain max out at 1.8V, change out the TVs diode for one that hopefully works,
In the firmware, the STM should shutdown the output when the voltage reaches 1.8V so it has a margin of error to shut down the output before it becomes dangerous to the stm