Special Access using Proctor Tools

Special Access using Proctor Tools

There are several special permissions or special access settings an instructor may need to give to individual students. Special access in Möbius can be granted through the Proctor Tools utility. The three primary permissions that can be given through this utility are:

  • giving an additional attempt at an assignment for a specific student,

  • extending the deadline for an assignment for a specific student, or

  • extending the time limit for an assignment for a specific student.

If you need assistance with using Proctor Tools, please fill out the https://uwaterloo.ca/mobius-help/help form.


Procedure for using Proctor Tools

  1. From your Möbius Class Homepage, click Proctor Tools in the navigation bar.

  2. In the User Search section, use the Search field to find a particular student

    • The basic search functionality will search only one field at a time, so try entering only the student's first name (with capitalization) or only their userid. Use the Advanced Search if you would like to search more than one field at a time.

    • If you leave the Search field blank, Möbius will search for all students in the class. See the Notes at the bottom of the page on the best approach to changing settings for the entire class (not through Proctor Tools).

  3. In the Authorize Which Assignment section, select which assignment you would like to grant special permissions for.

  4. In the Permission to be Given section, select the permissions to adjust.

    • It is recommended that you do not check Grade or Re-open if already graded. The functionality of these options is not intuitive. Feel free to read DigitalEd's documentation, https://digitaled.com/support#ProctorHelpOverview_Permissions, if you would like more information.

    • If a student has submitted the allowed number of attempts and you would like to grant one additional attempt, simply ensure the Start/Re-Enter option is selected. This will not grant an additional attempt if the student still has available attempts remaining.

    • If you would like to extend the deadline for a student, use the Extend end date until to set the date and time. Click the calendar icon to bring up the menu; the time can be changed by clicking and dragging the hour and minute options left and right.

    • If the assignment you are giving permission for has a time limit, you can give a student additional time using the Grant additional time field. The number of minutes entered here will be added to the student's total time limit on the assignment.

  5. In the final section, you will see the search results of students. The same student may appear more than once if they have been given several permissions already. Click the checkbox beside one entry that matches the student you would like to give permissions to.

    • Note: the Assignment column does not have to match the Assignment you wish to give permission for. Simply select any instance of the student you would like the permissions applied to.

    • If you entered a blank search, you can select multiple students at this step; however, depending on the size of the class, you may not be able to see all desired students in one list, and a more specific search may be required.

    • The Plus button at the end of each student row is for setting up a specific user to be an invigilator for the student. If you are running an in person exam and would like more information on this tool, please email mobiushelp@uwaterloo.ca.

  6. Click the Authorize button at the bottom of the page to apply these settings.

Important notes

  • Proctor Tools should not be used to give permissions to everyone in the class. Changing permissions for the entire class can been done more easily through the Assignment Settings.

  • If you are extending a deadline, be aware of other settings on the assignment. In particular, if feedback for students is only restricted until the original deadline and multiple attempts are allowed, a student with an extended deadline would be able to access their feedback on a previous attempt and complete an additional attempt with this information.

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