Navigating the Content Repository

Navigating the Content Repository

As an instructor in a Möbius Class, you have access to the Content Repository, where all of the Questions, Interactive Narratives, Lessons, Assignments, and other files are stored. This page will cover some of the basics on navigating the Content Repository.

It is important to note that there is a different organizational structure for each different group of items in the Content Repository. The three sections below describe each distinct structure.


Lessons and Assignments

Lessons and Assignments bring together smaller content pieces into a collection that can then be shared with students. All Lessons and Assignments must be contained with Units, which are shown by a folder icon. You are not able to place a Lesson or Assignment at the same level as your Units, and you are not able to nest Units within one another.

By default, when you enter the Content Repository, Lessons & Assignments should be selected in the Current Class column, and the first Unit should also be selected, showing you the Lessons and Assignments that exist within that Unit.  Clicking on a different Unit will expand a new column to the right, which will contain the Lessons and Assignments within that Unit.

If you click on either Lessons or Assignments in the Current Class column, you will see the same unit structure as before; however, when you click on a Unit, you will only see the Lessons or the Assignments, respectively, in that folder.

Once you click on a specific Lesson or Assignment, a new column will appear with several options. Edit will allow you to change the Lesson Settings or Assignment Settings. If there are currently active attempts of the Lesson or Assignment, the button Force Grade will appear as well. This forcibly submits these active attempts immediately. For Assignments, you may want to use this option if the deadline has passed and some students forgot to click Submit Assignment meaning their attempt is still in progress.

While the concept of submitting a Lesson may be counter-intuitive, the functionality to do so does exist, as the back-end structure of a Lesson is similar to that of an Assignment. Note that students do not have an option to submit Lessons, but one reason you may want to Force Grade a Lesson is if an edit has been made to this Lesson. Students need to start a new attempt of the Lesson in order to see the changes that have been made.

All Content Types

Clicking on All Content Types in the Current Class column brings you to a new organizational structure, distinct from the Unit structure in the Lessons and Assignments area. This structure contains four different content types: QuestionsInteractive NarrativesMath Apps, and Text pages. The structure also includes Groups (indicated by a folder icon). Unlike the Lessons and Assignments area, Groups can be nested within one another, and the Content Items can also exist at the top level of this organizational structure. The Groups function is similar to folders in File Explorer on Windows or Finder on a Mac.

Similar to the Lessons and Assignment structure, you can click on QuestionsInteractive NarrativesMath Apps, or Text to view the same structure, but only content matching the type you have selected will be visible.

View Files

Clicking on the View Files button above the Current Class column brings you to the final organizational structure; it contains any additional files needed for Content Items, including images and audio files. Files can be uploaded through this menu if desired; however, files can also be uploaded to this structure as needed directly from the editor when editing a QuestionInteractive Narrative, or Text page.

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