Copying content between courses

Copying content between courses

Creating a Course Module

You can use Course Modules to create a single, exportable object that contains Lessons, Assignments, and Content Files.

In the Content Repository, under Current Class, click Course Modules. Click Create New > Course Module to create what will be your exportable object.

Give it a meaningful name. If you plan to copy this module into another course, you will likely want to include the course code and term.

To add Content to the Module, click the checkbox beside what you want to add and click Add to at the bottom.

Navigate to the desired Course Module. Click the checkbox beside its name and choose Add to. Repeat these steps for any Lessons and Assignments you wish to include.

Copy a Course Module directly into another class

If you have instructor access to the course you are copying from and the course you are copying to, you can copy the Course Module into that class directly. Go to the Content Repository for the class you are copying the files into.

Under Sources, choose All of my classes. Then click Course Modules. Find the Course Module you created, or use the Search functionality to search for it directly. Click on the Module, and then click Clone into my class. Do not leave the screen or navigate anywhere else until the clone is complete.

Exporting and Importing Course Modules

If you do not have instructor access to both the course you are copying from and the course you are copying to, or if the classes are on different servers, you will need to first Export the Course Module to your device, and then Import it into the class you are copying to.

Navigate to the Course Module in your class. Click the checkbox beside the Module, then click Export. Save the file somewhere on your device.

Navigate to the Content Repository in the class you are copying to. Click Import, and choose the exported file from your device. Do not leave the screen or navigate anywhere until the Import is complete.

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