

Training courses

Courses contain a piece of content that has been given to enrolled learners. Courses can have a course ID, summary, start date, end date, the maximum number of attempts, and a maximum possible score. Courses can be independent but they will often be part of a curriculum.

Learn to:

  • Create a course

  • Set self-enrolment

  • Update a course

Create a course

  1. Go to the Training tab and select My Training.

  2. Select New Course and name the course, it is optional to give the course a course ID, custom URL, summary, maximum attempts, maximum possible score, a start date, and end date.

  3. Select Next; select a piece of content from the list, select Next. Optionally, enroll learners, set up notifications, and set up reminders When done, select Finish.

Set self-enrolment

Put a course in the training catalog:

Courses can be put into the training catalog so that anyone can enroll in the course.

  1. Go to the Training tab.

  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired course.

  3. Select Training Catalog Settings in the navigation bar.

  4. Check the box beside List in Training Catalog for Learner Self-Enrolment.

  5. Enrolment can be set up that learners need manager approval or enrolment can be open.

  6. Select Display in Training Catalog and put the course in a folder.

  7. Select OK and Save.

Update a course

View and edit course information:

  1. Go to the Training tab, navigate to, and select the name of the desired course.

  2. In the navigation bar select Course Information to view or Edit Information to edit.

  3. If information is edited, select Save.

Edit course content:

  1. Go to the Training tab.

  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired course.

  3. Click Select Content in the navigation bar.

  4. Choose a piece of content and select Save.

If the original content is changed after the addition to the course, the change does not carry over to the course. If the content in a course is changed, the change does carry over to a course inside a curriculum.

To add enrollees to a course:

  1. Go to the Training tab.

  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired course.

  3. Select Manage Enrollees in the navigation bar.

  4. To add students, select the students on the left side, and click Add.

  5. To remove students, select the students on the right side, and click Remove.

Set up enrollee notifications/reminders for courses:

  1. Go to the Training tab.

  2. Navigate to and select the name of the desired course.

  3. Select Notifications in the navigation bar.

  4. For notifications: select New Notification, fill out the fields, and Send.

  5. For reminders: select New Reminder, fill out the fields, and Save.

To cancel notifications, select the notification, and Cancel Notification twice.

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