Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings

If you have recorded your meetings, you have an MP4 or FLV file which can play audio and video.

You can extract MP3 format audio files from these recordings that can be used as podcasts.

To learn more about this, watch this video discussing audio recordings


When the meeting and its recording has ended, you can then convert it into an MP3:

  1. Go to summit.uwaterloo.ca.

  2. Sign in with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password

  3. Go to the Meetings tab and select the name of the meeting which was recorded.

  4. On the navigation bar, select Recordings.

  5. Select the drop-down menu Actions and select Make Offline.

  6. In the new window, click Next on the pop-up, select MP4 or FLV, and Proceed with Offline Recording.

  7. Save the file on your computer and after it is done converting select Okay.

  8. To convert the file you must install VLC.

  9. When VLC is installed and opened, you must select Media and Convert/Save.

  10. Select Add and select the MP4 or FLV that you wish to convert. Select Convert/Save.

  11. Select the Profile to Audio-MP3Browse to select where you would like the MP3 to save. Enter a file name and select Save.

  12. Select Start and wait for VLC to create the MP3 file.

  13. You can now upload your MP3 to LEARN or distribute it to your students.


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