Adobe Connect training
Adobe Connect will no longer be supported by IST as of May 1, 2022. Zoom is a comparable platform and is the recommended alternative. Access to Adobe Connect will remain until August 1, 2022 to download any content. See How to Download Adobe Connect Recordings.
The following information is provided for Adobe Connect training:
Log in to Adobe Connect to access training
Go to
Sign in with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password
When logged in you will automatically be brought to the Home menu.
Training basics
Training library
The training library provides access to virtual classrooms, courses, and curriculums. Virtual classrooms, courses, and curriculums can be added through the navigation bar; they can be organized and deleted this way as well. Virtual classrooms, courses, curriculums, and the folders they are in can be edited and permissions can be set to determine which users can view and edit these files. The training library will be mostly used for classes at the university.
Shared Training has any training that has been put into this folder, for anyone to view.
User Training has a folder for each instructor or teaching assistant with training permissions and in these folders is their training.
My Training has all the training you have added.
Training Catalog has all open enrolment training for users to enroll in.
Users and Groups has access to premade groups, and allows you to create groups, import groups, and delete groups.
A summary of the training is provided under Training Dashboard.
Viewed by: Administrators, Administrators-Limited, and Training Managers.
Training groups
Training groups consist of students; they are used for easier access to students for course purposes. Training groups may include all of the students in a course so that selecting all students will be easier.
To create training groups:
Go to the Training tab and select Users and Groups.
Select New Group, give it a name, and optionally a description.
Select Next; select the names of the students to be added to the training group on the left, and Add. If need be, select an already added student on the right and Remove to delete them from the group.
Edit a group:
Go to the Training tab and select Users and Groups.
Select the group and Information; view group information, view group members, edit the group information and edit the students in the group.
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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