LEARN Integration

LEARN Integration

In order to access Möbius content hosted on our In-Course Möbius server, the user must click on a link within LEARN that links to Möbius. While a link to Möbius can be put almost anywhere, there are three places that Möbius links tend to be placed:

  • A link to the Möbius Class Homepage is placed on the LEARN Course Homepage.

  • A link to a particular Assignment in Möbius is placed directly on the LEARN Table of Contents.

  • A link to a particular Lesson in Möbius is placed on a web page within LEARN


How to create a Möbius link

This video illustrates the two methods below. Note that the instructions for how to place a link within a web page also apply to placing a link within a widget on the Homepage. See Widgets and homepages for more information on how to create these items, and then consult the following information for inserting your Möbius link.

Placing a Möbius link on the Table of Contents

  1. Under Content, in the desired Module on the Table of Contents, click Existing Activities and then select Mobius Quick Link from the dropdown menu.

  2. Choose the desired course (and Lesson/Assignment if applicable) you would like to link to. (If you do not have access to the correct course or need a new course created, you can submit a request to Möbius Help by completing the https://uwaterloo.ca/mobius-help/help form.)

  3. Then click the button starting with Link to that corresponds to the type of link you would like to insert.

Note: all links placed on the Table of Contents will create an associated Gradebook item.

Placing a Möbius link on a LEARN webpage

  1. While editing the page, click on the Insert Quicklink button in the toolbar.

  2. Scroll down to the section of Third Party items and select Mobius Quick Link.

  3. Choose the desired course (and Lesson/Assignment if applicable) you would like to link to. (If you do not have access to the correct course or need a new course created, you can submit a request to Möbius Help by completing the https://uwaterloo.ca/mobius-help/help form.)

  4. Then click the button starting with Link to that corresponds to the type of link you would like to insert.

Note: links placed on a Web page in LEARN are not able to connect to the LEARN Gradebook.

Types of links

Class Homepage link

This link will take the user to the selected Class Homepage in Möbius. On the Class Homepage, students can see any Lessons or Assignments that have been set as Visible in that Class. Note that the Start Date and End Date of a Lesson/Assignment will be enforced, and the Lesson/Assignment will not be accessible if the user is outside the allowed window of time. Instructors will be able to access the Proctor Tools, Content Repository, and Gradebook from the Class Homepage as well.

If an Assignment has been linked to a Grade item in LEARN, and the student accesses the Assignment from the Class Homepage instead of through the specific Assignment link, the Möbius grade will not properly transfer to LEARN. Therefore, it is recommended that all Assignments be hidden from the Class Homepage in Möbius, as transferring grades manually is an arduous process.

Lesson/Assignment link

In the drop down list for what you want to link to, you will have access to both Lessons and Assignments in the course you currently have selected. Whether you choose a Lesson or Assignment, both are inserted using the Link to Assignment button.

If you place a Lesson/Assignment link on the Table of Contents in LEARN, an associated LEARN Gradebook item will be created immediately. However, for Lesson/Assignment links placed on a webpage, a Gradebook item will not be created. By default, Möbius is set to push the best grade achieved back to LEARN if multiple attempts are allowed. After an attempt is submitted, it takes 5 minutes to transfer back to LEARN on average (though this time can increase during high-volume periods).

While the concept of submitting a Lesson may be counter-intuitive, the functionality to do so does exist, as the back-end structure of a Lesson is similar to that of an Assignment. Note that students do not have an option to submit Lessons, but instructors may force grade any active versions of a Lesson, pushing a Grade back to LEARN for any student who had started the Lesson so far. Since these grades associated with a Lesson are often not made use of, the Gradebook items that appear in LEARN should be hidden from students and weighted 0. For more information on how and why to 'Force Grade a Lesson', see the Navigating the Content Repository page.

Gradebook link

The Möbius Gradebook allows students to see question specific answers or feedback, depending on what Assignment Settings have been set. Since all that is transferred to LEARN is a final grade, many instructors will provide a Möbius Gradebook link for students so that they can see the question-specific information. Most typically the Gradebook link is placed in proximity to Assignment links in LEARN.

For more information on the instructor interface for Möbius, see the Möbius Gradebook page.

System Homepage

Do not give students access to the System Homepage in Möbius. This type of link should be used for instructors and staff only. The System Homepage in Möbius contains links to all courses you are currently enrolled in (i.e., every Möbius class you have ever accessed from LEARN), and therefore can be very useful for instructors working in multiple Möbius classes at a time. However, for Möbius classes where students are required to use Lesson/Assignment links to send a grade back to LEARN, this System Homepage link would allow an alternative route to access the Lesson/Assignment and would break the connection to the LEARN Gradebook.

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