Mobius LTI Integration update

Mobius LTI Integration update

The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) specification is currently used to create links to the Möbius In-Course server from LEARN. We will be changing the LTI specification used from version 1.1 to version 1.3. LTI v1.3 builds on LTI v1.1 by incorporating a new model for security for message and service authentication. This change of versions is also inline with D2L’s plan to phase out support for v1.1 in LEARN.

When is this happening? On November 1, 2022, we will change the Möbius Quicklink tool to use LTI v1.3, so that all links created on or after November 1, 2022 will use the new specification. We will keep LTI v1.1 active until Fall 2023, so that all previously created links will continue to function, but the ability to create LTI v1.1 links will be removed.

What is the impact? Links to Möbius content will be created identically to how they are created now, using the Möbius Quicklink tool in LEARN. A Möbius Quicklink can also be placed in any location in LEARN previously allowed. The major change that users will see is the ability to sync grades from Möbius with the LEARN Gradebook.

In particular, only Möbius Quicklinks directly on the Table of Contents in LEARN will be able to send grades to the LEARN Gradebook. This is due to how both D2L and DigitalEd have implemented the LTI v1.3 specification.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change., please contact mobiushelp@uwaterloo.ca.

The Möbius Help team

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