Lesson Settings

Lesson Settings

While the focus of Lessons is typically around learning and the focus of Assignments is assessment, the two share many similar settings. This page will cover how to open a Lesson to edit, give a brief description of what is in the Lesson editor, and highlight some of the important settings that exist for Lessons. If a setting in the Lesson editor is not explained here, check the Assignment Settings page for more information.


Editing an existing Lesson

  1. From your Möbius Class Homepage, in the navigation bar click Content Repository.

  2. Navigate to your Lesson, click on the Lesson name, and then click the Edit button in the following column that appears.

  3. You will now be in the Lesson editor, consisting of two main areas:

    1. The Design tab shows the layout of sections, pages, and content in your lesson.

    2. The Properties tab allows you to change the settings associated with this Lesson

Highlighted Lesson settings

Click on the Properties tab to review the following Lesson settings.

Complete When

The Complete When setting is found at the top of the Lesson Properties section. Since the primary purpose of Lessons is around learning, this setting allows Lessons to be marked as complete based on one of three criteria:

  • Viewed All Sections

  • Viewed & Attempted All Sections

  • Viewed & Attempted & Passed All Sections

Attempted refers to any questions that may exist within the Lesson. Therefore, should your Lesson not contain any question material, all three settings would function the same. Otherwise, you have the option of requiring students to simply try each question, or requiring students to complete each question correctly.

Allow Resubmit

The Allow Resubmit setting is found in the Feedback (During) section. In an assignment, when Allow Resubmit is turned on, students have the option to return to a question after having given an answer. When turned off, the Prev button and the Question menu are disabled. Since a Lesson always has a navigation menu available, Allow Resubmit should always be left on for Lessons. If Allow Resubmit is turned off, users may receive errors when trying to navigate using the navigation menu.

How Did I Do?

The How Did I Do? setting is also found in the Feedback (During) section. This setting allows students to check whether an answer is correct or not. Since the primary purpose of Lessons is around learning, it is recommended that this option is left on for Lessons. The three settings following this option affect how the How Did I Do? setting functions, including whether the correct answer is shown each time, or whether feedback is shown.

Note that within a Slideshow, Feedback will always been shown, regardless of whether How Did I Do? is on and regardless of the setting for when to show Feedback.

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