Guide for Instructors creating an Exam in Mobius

Assignment Settings

Under the Properties tab, ensure the following settings have been implemented.

  • Type of Assignment – Homework or Quiz

    While there is a Proctored Exam type of assignment as well, some of the settings in Proctored Exam require students to have immediate access to a proctor should they become locked out of their attempt.

  • Maximum Attempts – 1
    Most instructor will wish to limit the number of attempts by a student to 1

  • Time Limit – number of minutes (e.g., 150)
    The time limit is in minutes, feel free to adjust this time to your exam’s needs.

  • How Did I Do? – Off
    This should be off by default, but most instructor will not want students to be able to check answers before submitting their exam.

  • Show Final Grade – Off
    This will prevent students from seeing their score immediately after submitting their exam. Most instructors will want to reveal all student grades sometime after the deadline.

  • Visible (Master) – Off
    This setting hides the exam from the Mobius Class Homepage. It does NOT prevent a student from accessing it through an LTI link from LEARN. Therefore, ensure this setting always remains off, so that students will access the exam through the LTI link and the grade will transfer correctly back to LEARN.

  • Start Date and End Date
    Use the calendar tool to choose a date and time. Time uses a 24-hour clock, and the hour and minutes can be changed by clicking and dragging.

  • Restrict Feedback Until – at or after the End Date
    Most instructor will wish to keep results from students until after all students have written. Some may even want to delay the release of results by a day or more to allow time for course staff to review the exams or to allow for any special accommodations that might be granted for a student.

  • Schedule Force Grading On – at least one hour after the End Date
    This setting will forcibly submit any student attempts which were not properly submitted by the student before the end date. It is advised that this be set to at least one hour past the End Date time in case there are any technical issues.

Randomization in Exams

There are two ways that randomization can be done in an exam should the instructor wish it.

  • Properties > Type of Assignment > Homework or Quiz > Randomly Order
    If this setting is turned on, every question in the exam will be in random order. When viewing student results after the exam, you will see the questions in the order the student received them when looking at an individual student’s results. However, you can also look at multiple students’ attempt at the same question, even if the students received that question as a different point in their attempt.

  • Select Questions > Question Group > Properties
    If the questions need to come in a somewhat ordered manner, you can create question group within which questions can be randomized for students. The question groups will appear in the order that they are in. Question groups also serve well if you want to pull a subset of questions from a group, but you can pull all of the questions as well, and this will still randomize their order.

Linking your Exam from LEARN

The following video demonstrates how to add links to Mobius from LEARN.

See for documentation.

Granting Special Accommodations

See for documentation.