Accessing Möbius

Accessing Möbius

LEARN and Möbius are integrated, meaning once students sign in to LEARN, they will automatically have an account set up for them in Möbius and all of the links to Möbius content that appear throughout their LEARN will be activated.  

If you are a student taking a course that includes Möbius content, you should be able to access everything seamlessly and may not even recognize that you're in Möbius except for the fact that some of your content and/or assessments open up in a new tab or window (outside of LEARN).  Visit the Navigating Möbius page for instructions about how to navigate once you're in Möbius.

Students do not have direct access to Möbius at this time so, if you are a student, the only way in which you will be able to access Möbius is through a LEARN course that includes Möbius content. Help related to courses accessed through LEARN is available through the regular learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca support email.