Navigating Möbius

Navigating Möbius

As of spring 2017, the only way for students to access Möbius is through a course in LEARN that includes Möbius content. When you click on a link in LEARN connected to a piece of Möbius content, you will arrive at what Möbius calls a lesson.

Lesson components

A lesson is one or more pages or blocks, each of which includes numerous components.  Components may include text-based instruction, practice quiz questions (which are called assignment questions inside of Möbius), interactive activities called Math Apps, PowerPoint-style presentations (that may or may not have accompanying audio) called slideshows, and more.  Note that some Math Apps and/or assignment questions will be embedded inside of a slideshow, and additional buttons may appear above the main slideshow navigation bar:

If you see prompts to answer questions in your lesson and are unsure how to proceed, visit the Completing Assignments page for instructions.

If a lesson includes multiple blocks, you will see multiple names on the left side of your screen.  Click on the block headings to access additional lesson content.  

Finishing a lesson

When you finish working through a lesson, click "Quit & Save" to exit the lesson and return to LEARN, or simply close the tab in your browser.

Clicking the "Save" button rather than "Quit & Save" will make a record of your progress in the Möbius database, but will keep the Möbius tab open. There is currently no way for you to navigate between lessons within Möbius itself; all lessons may be accessed only through LEARN.

If you see additional buttons on the bottom of your screen, you are probably in an assignment rather than a lesson, and should visit the Navigating Assignments page for instructions.