Mobius Servers
This page contains a list of links to and descriptions of resources available to individuals associated with the University of Waterloo/DigitalEd authoring project.
Primary Undergraduate/Graduate Server
In-Course (login / open)
This server is connected to LEARN. Except for administrators, this server cannot be logged into directly, and must be accessed through LEARN
Regularly Updated Servers
Regular maintenance for Dev and Authoring occurs between 5 and 9 PM EST on Tuesdays.
Dev (login / open)
Testing of regularly deployed updates. Content intended for production should not be created here as it is deleted each week.
Authoring (login / open)
Möbius-based authoring environment.
CEMC Production Pipeline
Servers in the production pipeline for CEMC Courseware.
Staging (login / open)
Staging environment for the current version of CEMC Courseware that uses modern MapleNet and native Möbius slideshows.
Production (login / open)
The live version of CEMC Courseware.
Other Möbius Servers
Open Math (login / open)
Open Math courseware.
Open Engineering (login / open)
Open Engineering courseware.
Open Science (login / open)
Open Science server.
SAF - Financial Literacy Competition (login / open)
This server hosts the biannual Financial Literacy Competition presented by the School of Accounting and Finance.
READI (login / open)
Server for the Risk Management, Economic Sustainability and Actuarial Science Development in Indonesia (READI) project.