Sponsorship Relationship review

Sponsorship Relationship review


Our team has a long history of collaborating with companies and receiving company support. Here are some major sponsorships we receive from other companies:

  • Vector Nav 300 - High Accuracy GPS module

  • Tektronix Oscilloscope - Electrical Testing equipment

  • Kenesto - Mechanical Solidwork Plugin

Recently[w24], our team email also received some requests from other companies for potential sponsorships and collaboration:

  • AXIBO founder has reached out to us

    • They want to collaborate with us on creating an Arm system

    • They can support us in manufacturing, testing and design validation

All the records show that our team has developed a positive relationship with our sponsors.


Current plan:

Our team have created a Sponsorship Package that will be sent to all the potential Sponsors.

Link to the sponsorship package: https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/personal/y24he_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fy24he%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FAttachments%2FUWRobotics%20Sponsorship%20Package%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fy24he%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FAttachments&wdLOR=cA2DCB46F%2D17AB%2D4CBE%2DBA6D%2D218DC649E20E&ct=1721267973962&or=Outlook-Body&cid=1CD648CA-FA70-403F-B2EE-264F467D4D6E&ga=1


Highlight in the Doc:

  • Who we are?

  • Our Current Progress

  • Available Sponsorship option

Our team will send many emails and try to engage as many companies as possible.


Current Recap:

  • Our team has contacted Professor Charbel Azzi about a potential sponsorship from Simulation X, a simulation software that will help validate our arm system.

  • Our team also contacted the AXIBO company to see if there was any motor driver board sponsorship, as their technical knowledge would be invaluable for our software integration process.