General Meeting - November 29, 2021
Bearing stackup issues
Axis 3 - changes made (finished)
Axis 4 - not started
Axis 1 - 3 ready
Drawings after this meeting
Axis 5/6 - almost done
Maxon - Jan (1st week)
Wiring: EM Shielding
Cross roller bearing/Slewing Bearings
Manufacturing going into next year
Ordering parts and machining things
Calling Martina to expedite this
Netzer encoders, sponsor wants them back, but we can only find 5 of them
1 or 2 people really need to sweep through the bay
Battery Charger
Buy a battery charger (Farris)
Electrical PCBs
Finishing up the schematics
Science done
gimbal done
PDB/voltage converters done
BMS - good progress
Order everything by end of month
Jetson carrier
Need to figure out where things are with that, how much needs to be done
Elevator almost done
Clean up CAD
Test the dirt sucking feature
Electrical Box
PDF, Jetson xavier, Converters, Battery, CAN breakout,
Austin & Farris needs to work out what goes into the EBox
Change front panel (maybe)
Sponsorship labels
Orson’s project
Farris check on antenna ordering
Can’t purchase directly using the team account
Paula on leave
No procurement right now
Cable dropdown installed
Chemicals need to be logged or thrown out
Logging process: binder, or confluence saying that we have _____ of ____, and any danger