2.8 PCB Checklist

Nice one I found online: https://pcbchecklist.com/

Schematic Checklist

  • Schematic should compile without errors
  • All signals entering or leaving the board shall have ESD protection
  • All power entering or leaving a board shall have reverse voltage protection and fusing located as close as possible to the connector
  • Schematic notes shall be included for all complex calculations and design decisions, and these should be reflected in the board's confluence page
  • If they are present and relevant, include diagrams or reference schematics from application notes in the schematic or in an associated confluence page
  • Switching regulators should have sufficient and appropriately sized input/output/compensation capacitors as recommended by the datasheet.  In particular, pay attention to dc bias capacitance de-rating.
  • All components should have been reviewed
  • No overlapping text such as net names
  • As much as possible, nets that are not connected should not cross each other in the schematic.
  • All pins and wires should be aligned to a 50 mil grid
  • All pins should be connected or marked with Generic No ERC if not needed
  • Optional components shall be Standard No BOM
  • Check for passive components connected in series without any junctions

Make sure PCB design rules are set correctly to voltage, routing, and board house requirements

PCB Checklist

  • Set design rules
  • Get board shape
  • Place mechanical interfacing connectors and indicators
  • Place and route power components
  • Place microcontroller and supporting components
  • Route high-speed
  • Route microcontroller and supporting components
  • Place and route rest of components
  • PCB shall have a board clearance set and a larger board clearance set when panelized
  • PCB should pass all DRC except silkscreen related errors, and violations should be waived if really necessary
  • Bypass and decoupling capacitors should be placed and routed appropriately.  This is particularly relevant for power supplies, and even more relevant for switch-mode power supplies. 
  • ESD protection shall be as close to the connector as possible
  • Do you need thermal reliefs?  Why or why not?
  • If using ground pours in addition to a single unbroken ground plane, the ground planes shall be stitched together as densely as possible with vias
  • High speed traces shall not cross reference planes or change layers, except where absolutely necessary.
  • No components should be floating
  • All traces should be connected at both ends unless intended as an antenna
  • All copper shall be connected.  No floating copper is allowed.  This includes copper text on an external layer (don't do it).
  • There shall be no traces on the ground plane.  The ground plane shall be as solid and unbroken as possible.
  • Teardrops should be on the majority of pads

Check each layer’s copper (isolating layers in 3D view is a good way to do this)