2.2 Downloading Altium and Activating License

2.2 Downloading Altium and Activating License

If you haven’t already, make sure you’ve received or at least applied for an Altium license before starting the download procedure, see 2.1 Getting an Altium License

To download Altium:

  1. Go to: https://www.altium.com/products/downloads?utm_source=altiumdatabase&utm_medium=email

  2. Select the version of Altium you would like on the left. If you are familiar with a particular version of Altium, choose that one, otherwise, choose the newest one. Click on the Online Installer link to download the installer.

  3. Follow the steps of the installer, and leave the options defaulted unless stated otherwise.

  4. You will need to log in to your Altium account before you can start downloading so if you haven’t already, make an account and apply for a license. Login.

  5. Once the installation is complete, run Alium

  6. You will be brought to the License Management page upon start-up. There will be a list of available licenses. Select one of the Licenses with Product Name: Altium Designer and Status: OK. Click ‘Use’ to use that license.

  7. If you don’t see a valid license, ensure you complete the steps in 2.1 Getting an Altium License. If the issue persists, talk to a team member.

  8. Now that you’ve activated your license, you can close the licenses manager window and proceed to: 2.3 Using the UWRT EE GitHub

  9. It may help to have some basic familiarity with Altium before continuing to the page above so if you get confused or want to prepare, watch the first few videos of Altium Designer 19 Essentials Online Training