Request a Community Group
Community Groups are LEARN spaces that are not used in conjunction with a specific Undergraduate or Graduate level course. Instead, their content and membership is maintained by the Group Manager in the course.
To request a Community Group, please fill out the form. You will be asked the following questions.
Desired name of the Community Group
Which department is the Community Group for?
What is the purpose of the course?
Who will be the target audience? Staff, faculty, or students?
Is the target audience UW users?
Who will be the sponsor of the Community Group?
What LEARN elements will be used (discussions, quizzes, surveys, dropboxes, etc.)?
How will students be added to the course? Self-enrolment or by a Group Manager?
Will you be tracking course completions?
If completion tracking is required, where will the completion be sent?
Need help?
Contact LEARNhelp at or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.
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