Grading tools

Grading tools

There are a number of options on the grading tool bar that you can use to leave feedback on assessments. The grading tool bar can be viewed once you enter the grading interface of a question from the dashboard. The grading tools available depend on the question type. See also https://crowdmark.com/help/grading-tools/ for complete descriptions of each tool. This video   Archive - Grading with Crowdmark shows you how to grade in Crowdmark.

Adding comments to student work: https://crowdmark.com/help/adding-comments/ 

For question type Image/PDF file:

For question type Text (with Markdown formatting) and Multiple choice (MC):

For question type Image/PDF file:

For question type Text (with Markdown formatting) and Multiple choice (MC):

The grading tools include text comments, annotations and symbols.


The grading tools include a cursor, highlight and strikethrough option along with inline comments.


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