Assessment Ideas: Assigned vs. Administered in Crowdmark

Assessment Ideas: Assigned vs. Administered in Crowdmark

This article explains the key differences between the Assigned and Administered formats in Crowdmark and offers examples of assessments that can be facilitated using each format.

The key difference between the two formats is that Assigned is for online distribution and submissions are normally done by students, while Administered is for in-person distribution and must then be scanned by either W Print or the instructional team.

Below are some ideas of assessments that can be facilitated through the two Crowdmark formats. Please reach out to your Centre for Teaching Excellence Liaison for further pedagogical support.


  • Take-home assessments (e.g., assignments, essays)

  • At-home/Open book timed assessments (e.g., quizzes, tests)

  • Group assessments (e.g., two-stage quizzes, group projects)

  • Assessments with additional files to submit (e.g., datasets, text files with code)


  • Any assessment created through Odyssey – printing is automatically organized via W Print (e.g., midterms, final exams)

  • In-person assessments not created through Odyssey – requires the instructional team to print the booklets (e.g., quizzes, labs)

  • In-person assessments that were made without using Crowdmark – uses the new ‘Ready-to-grade’ feature (e.g., in-class reflections, contests)

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