CAA50024 Error when Opening Microsoft 365 Apps

CAA50024 Error when Opening Microsoft 365 Apps

Devices may encounter CAA50024 error when opening Microsoft 365 (M365) apps including Outlook, OneNote, etc. This error is because the device cannot be enrolled in the M365 tenant for device management. Follow the steps below to address the error.


Windows computers:

  1. Close all M365 apps. This includes Excel, Word, OneDrive, OneNote and PowerPoint.

  2. Go to the Windows Start button and select Settings (the gear icon)


  3. Click on Accounts

  4. Choose Access work or school

  5. Click the account you want to unlink (your school account) and click Disconnect

  6. Restart your device

  7. Launch Microsoft 365 apps and log in to your Microsoft account again.

  8. Do NOT select "Let my organization manage my device" and uncheck this box when it appears. This will cause the error to reappear.

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