Updating Microsoft 365 applications

Updating Microsoft 365 applications

You may need to update your Microsoft applications if:

  • You run the Microsoft 365 Setup program on a computer with an earlier version of Microsoft 365 already installed. In most cases the earlier version is removed. However, there are instances when an uninstall is necessary, such as if you run into errors or problems during installation.

  • You are experiencing issues with your current version of Microsoft 365

To update your Office application:

  1. Login to Microsoft 365 with your UWaterloo username and password. (Your username is your 8-character username, i.e. j25rober@uwaterloo.ca)

  2. Click on the Install office button on the top right side of the window and choose Office 365 apps from the drop-down menu.

  3. Continue by following the instructions to Run the upgrade. (Note: this does not upgrade you to an M365 mailbox. It just provides you with updated version of Microsoft apps.)


You may encounter an error during the Microsoft 365 setup asking you to uninstall your existing applications before installing the newer version. If this happens follow the instructions to uninstall M365. Your M365 files won't be deleted, but if your version of Microsoft includes Outlook you may want to back up your Outlook data files. See Find and transfer Outlook data files from one computer to another.


For more information please refer to Microsoft’s support article https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/download-and-install-or-reinstall-microsoft-365-or-office-2019-on-a-pc-or-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658

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