500 Internal Server Error / 502 Bad Gateway Error


When attempting to enroll in DUO 2FA or accessing the Device Management Portal you may run into the following errors: '500 Internal Service Error' or '502 Bad Gateway' as shown in the images below:

Example of DUO registration error. Page displays 500 Internal Server Error
Example of DUO registration error. Page displays 502 Bad Gateway


  1. Clear the cache and cookies on the browser for all time


2. Close the browser window.

  • Windows: Close all windows and tabs.

  • Mac: Command and Q to quit out of the application

3. Open a new window.

4. Log in with your 8-character UWaterloo username @uwaterloo.ca (e.g. myuserna@uwaterloo.ca) without using any saved passwords or password managers

If you see the error message after following these steps, please repeat these instructions and restart your device after completing Step #2.

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