Common R Drive Addresses
Note: The address that you use to map your department R drive to your device may not be the userID of the generic account associated with your department.
Every R Drive address starts with:
\\\_____$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Here are some of the most common R Drive addresses:
(If your R Drive address is not listed, please contact your IST Account Representative for this information.)
Faculty of Science
\\\science$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
\\\ahs$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Faculty of Environment
\\\env$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Co-operative Education & Career Action
\\\ceca$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
\\\housing$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Waterloo International
\\\watin$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
Information, Systems, and Technology
\\\ist$ for Windows
smb://$ for MacOS
If your R Drive address is not listed above, please contact your IST Account Representative for this information.
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