Setting up laptops with docks and external monitors

Setting up laptops with docks and external monitors

When using your laptop in different locations (at the office and work from home, for example) you may need to set up your laptop with a dock and external monitors at each location.

Note It is recommended that all Dell BIOS and hardware drivers be updated before connecting to the dock to ensure that the laptop recognizes the hardware. Please refer to the User’s Guide Important Information section for information on Drivers & Downloads

With a variety of monitors available, the connection could be different: either VGA, DVI, HDMI, or DisplayPort. Different adapters or cables may be needed to connect to the dock. 

For a detailed description and diagrams on Dell docking stations and setup, please refer to the documents listed below.


  • Dell Thunderbolt Dock Quick Start Guide - shows the different monitor combination possibilities


Note: Wireless Mouse and/or Keyboard

Plugging the USB dongle into the dock doesn’t always work as well as having the dongle plugged directly into the laptop.

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