Skype for Business Audio Troubleshooting

Skype for Business Audio Troubleshooting

If your speaker or microphone is not working while in a Skype for Business call, the issue likely is that your computer audio settings are not synced with your Skype for Business audio settings.

How to Check your Computer Audio Settings

  1. Click Start.

  2. Click Settings.


  3. In Settings, select System.

  4. Once in System, select Sound.


  5. Now you are in the sound settings for your computer, here you can see two options—the input and the output devices. The input refers to the microphone and the output refers to the speakers.


  6. If you have multiple audio devices connected, you can select the drop-down menu that is located under Choose your output device. In the example below you can see two options—the (Mpow HC) refers to headset speakers, and the (Realtek(R) Audio) refers to laptop speakers. Select the audio device that you wish to use based on what’s available on your computer.


  7. Once your output device is selected, please check that your input device is selected as well. Scroll down and select from the drop-down menu.


  8. To test the output, click the slider located under Master Volume. You should hear a ding out of your selected audio device.


  9. To test the input, speak into your microphone and look at the volume reader located under Test your microphone. It will show whether your voice is being heard.


  10. Now that you have selected your audio input/output, note of the names of the devices to cross check them with your Skype for Business audio settings.

How to check Audio Settings in Skype for Business

  1. Open Skype for Business.

  2. Select the gear icon in the upper-right corner.


  3. Select Audio Device.


  4. Your audio device selected should be PC Mic and Speakers if you are using your computer microphone/speaker, and Custom Device if you are using a headset or external audio device.


  5. Check that the speaker and microphone are set to the same device as your computer audio settings.


  6. To ensure that your microphone/speakers are working, click the Check Call Quality button which will mimic a test call so you can hear what you sound like on a call.