Changing your WatIAM password

Changing your WatIAM password

This page provides instructions on how to change your WatIAM password. This is required for all UWaterloo users.

  1. Log into WatIAM using your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. myuserna) and your current password

  2. Click on the Change Password button.

    1. Enter a strong new password into the Password and Confirm Password fields. The new password must be different from your old password--do not reuse a password.

  3. Once submitted, click on your name at the top-right corner of the page and select Logout

Your password is now reset across all of your UWaterloo accounts such as Quest, Learn, Workday, WaterlooWorks, and Outlook.

If you have used your UWaterloo password for non-UWaterloo accounts, it is advised to also change those passwords as a precaution. It is never recommended that you reuse passwords for multiple accounts.

If you are having trouble logging into your laptop after the password reset

  • If you are logging in from home connect to the campus vpn on the login page by clicking the icon in the picture below and signing in with your new password.

  • Once connected to the vpn sign into your laptop with your new password (if you have any issues please restart and try this process once more)

  • If you are logging in from on campus your laptop password should automatically update to your new password, if your new password does not work automatically please restart your machine and try again

If you still cannot log in, or see an error about connecting to the domain, contact CEEDSupport@uwaterloo.ca or call x41922.

Please keep in mind we may be dealing with high volume of support requests and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.