Cisco VPN (Windows)

Cisco VPN (Windows)

If you’re having trouble connecting to the VPN on a Windows machine then you’re in the right place!


  1. In the start meu, search for "Cisco" and launch the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client.

  2. Enter the server address “cn-vpn.uwaterloo.ca” and click Connect.

  3. Select either the UW-Campus or UW-General-Campus group from the group drop down, then type in your username and password in the next two fields respectively. In the “second password” field, enter how you would like to receive your DUO two-factor authentication.

    1. For Duo Mobile push: enter “push”

    2. For Duo hardware token or Duo app: enter your 6-digit code

    3. For Duo Bypass code: enter your bypass code

    4. For Yubikey: enter the code generated by touching the Yubikey

  4. The VPN should now be connected. To check if you are connected, look for the green check mark across the lock.

If you are experiencing connectivity issues while using the VPN, please try disconnecting and reconnecting using the other group.

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