Equipment Loan Agreement

Equipment Loan Agreement

The Arts Computing Office (ACO) maintains a few laptops that are available to loan to students, faculty, and staff in the Faculty of Arts.


The loanable equipment is available in order of priority:

  1. In-class workshop assignments 

  2. Course projects

  3. Research

The equipment is not to be treated as personal property or used for non-University related purposes. Equipment is not to be used to generate income or for business purposes.

If returned equipment is damaged, to any extent, the borrower assumes full financial liability to either repair or replace the equipment to its original condition (at the Arts Computing Office personnel’s discretion).

In the event that the equipment is lost, stolen or irretrievable, the borrower assumes full financial responsibility to cover the insurance deductible or replacement of the equipment.

Although the Arts Computing Office checks the equipment when it is returned, there is no absolute guarantee that the equipment is in perfect working condition when you receive it. You are expected to thoroughly check all equipment upon issuance because you are agreeing to take responsibility for any damage to equipment while in your possession. If you find any problems during this check, you must inform the Arts Computing Office within thirty (30) minutes of signing out the equipment. It is in your best interest to check equipment immediately upon issuance. You will not be held responsible for equipment problems reported within thirty minutes (30) of being signed out, unless equipment is in noticeably different condition than when signed out, (for example, if the equipment is dropped).

Under no circumstances should equipment in the borrower’s possession be loaned to any other person. All equipment transfers must be handled through the Arts Computing Office, even when passing equipment on to the next user.

Media Services personnel reserve the right to limit or deny the use of equipment based on a person’s borrowing history.


The equipment is available on a first-come-first-served basis, and in accordance with the sequence of priority, as listed above. The hours for checking out equipment from the Media Services office is as follows:


9am - 4:00pm


9am - 4:00pm


9am - 4:00pm


9am - 4:00pm


9am - 4:00pm





Time Limits

Students may check out equipment while they are on the main UW campus. The equipment must then be returned the following week by 4:00pm. For instance, if you check out equipment on a Tuesday at 3:50pm, it would need to be back by 4:00pm on the following Tuesday. If you cannot make it the following week, it is your responsibility to ensure the equipment gets back to the Arts Computing Office to be checked in. See late policies below.

All equipment must be returned to the Arts Computing Office by the last class day of the term, as indicated by the Academic Calendar.

Late Return Fees & Penalties:


Late Fee (per day late)


Late Fee (per day late)

All Equipment


Unpaid fees will result in loss of equipment loan privileges, and an Academic Hold will be placed on your student account after a period of 1 week. This Hold will remain on your account until your fees are paid in-person at the Arts Computing Office (PAS-2081).

Media Services staff have the right to consider individual situations and circumstances on a case by case basis.

Late Returns Policy

If the equipment is late, the following protocol will be followed:

  1. If equipment is not returned, a reminder email will be sent each day until the equipment is returned and the applicable fees are paid.

  2. If the equipment is not returned within 1 week, a hold on the borrower’s Quest account will be submitted and remain until equipment is returned, fees are paid and/or replacement value is given to Arts Computing personnel.

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