Student Laptop Loan Program

Student Laptop Loan Program

About this service

A laptop may be borrowed by University of Waterloo students (undergraduate and graduate; part-time and full-time) with a valid WatCard. The student must be in good standing with IST; the student must not have previously damaged or failed to return loaned equipment from IST. 

Terms of Use

  • Laptops are available on a first-come, first-served basis at the IST Service desks.

  • Students may only borrow one laptop at a time for a maximum of one week at a time. 

    • Renewals must be conducted in-person at the IST Service Desk. Students may renew for one additional week if there are no other students waiting to sign out a laptop. 

  • Students loaning a laptop from IST for the first time must sign an agreement form. The form will be kept on file for future reference as required. 

  • Laptops must be returned in-person to an IST Service Desk staff member. The staff member will verify that all loaned equipment has been returned.

  • The student agrees to assume the cost of equipment repair or replacement in the event of damage, theft, or misuse. IST will not be responsible for loss of files as a result of malware, hardware failure, or network failure. Any files copied or downloaded onto the laptop will be removed upon return and cannot be recovered.

Failure to return loaned equipment

Failure to return the loaned equipment may result in the student’s borrowing privileges being revoked for future loans. 

Damage to loaned equipment

The student assumes the financial responsibility of replacing the laptop in the case of any damages. The cost of a replacement laptop is $500. Costs for damaged or missing laptop accessories is $100 per part. Any laptop equipment malfunctions should be reported to the IST Service Desk staff immediately. 

Who can use this service

  • Students

  • Graduate Students

How to request this service

Contact the IST Service Desk:

Support for this service

Contact the IST Service Desk:


Loaning a laptop is free of charge. The student assumes the financial responsibility of replacing the laptop in the case of any damages. The cost of a replacement laptop is $500. Costs for damaged or missing laptop accessories is $100 per part. 

IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry

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