Move an issue from one project to another in Jira Service Management

Move an issue from one project to another in Jira Service Management

To move an issue (also known as a “ticket”) from one project to another in Jira Service Management (JSM) you will need to have the following permissions. If you do not have these permissions, please contact Atlassian Support.

  • Move Issues permission for the project from which you wish to move the issue.

  • Create Issues permission for the project to which you wish to move your issue.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to the project that has the issue that you wish to move. Click on the issue to open it.

  2. Click on the three dots (…) in the top right-hand corner and select Move from the drop-down menu presented


  3. The Move issue wizard will be displayed. Select the Jira Service Management project to which you would like to move the issue. Select the Issue Type you would like the issue to have in the new project. Click Next at the bottom of the page to continue. Note: Only the projects for which you Create Issues permissions will appear.


  4. If the status of the issue (ie. Waiting for support, waiting for customer, done, in progress, etc.) is not available in the project to which you are moving the issue, you may be asked to select a different status for the issue.

  5. The tasks available for your issue may not be available in the move-to project. You can update the fields to reflect the new project, but it is not required. Click Next at the bottom of the screen.

  6. Once you have completed all steps in the Move wizard, click Confirm, this will complete the process, moving the issue to the new project.

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