Board Development Pathway

Board Development Pathway

Development Milestones:

Select a design from WeBench
In stock IC
Has at least 1 visual layout reference (pref 2)
WeBench, datasheet, eval board, dev board, online reference
Datasheet has layout guidelines
Read through the datasheet, try to get a general overview of the features/function. Looks for any exceptions or caveats.
Make sure the basic inputs, outputs are supported in the datasheet
Order the stock risk components
Implement the design EXACTLY as it appears in WeBench
Idividual design review
Group design review
Verify the circuit matches WeBench
Verify the circuit is consistent with the datasheet
Read through the datasheet for any caveats
Reformat the circuit with Logan to bring it to team schematic standards
Group design review to verify no electrical changes were made during the reformatting
Implement design review changes
Complete the placement of the board
Don’t worry about space constraints but the board should be generally tight
Refer to the datasheet and layout references
Refer to buck converter documentation below
Group design review to make sure the board is compliant with all references
Work with Logan to implement stack-up, power planes and polygons
Route the remaining connections
Check trace widths with SaturnPCB
Add additional power design elements to the board
Via stitching
Thermal reliefs
Group design review for general and buck specific layout practices
Add the finishishing touches
Header items
Order the boards
Order the remaining parts
Create an Assembly and Testing document
Assemble the design
Test the design

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