R&D: Re-design Wheel Assembly Joint for Additional Motor Mounting

R&D: Re-design Wheel Assembly Joint for Additional Motor Mounting


Due Date: Aug 16, 2022

Contributor Log





@David Choi

Task Manager




  • Mechanical Analysis

  • Mechanical Design

  • CAD

Task Description

  • The current configuration of the rover doesn’t have the capability to steer the wheels for tighter turning radius and better maneuverability

  • An example of wheel steering motors on rovers:

  • The idea is to research and update the wheel assembly joint design for implementing a wheel steering motor in future rover designs

Task Breakdown

Research other rover designs and determine how many wheel steering motors are required
Determine the torque required to rotate a wheel assembly, assuming the rover is on flat ground, for proper motor sizing
Spec out appropriate motor and bearings
Re-design wheel assembly joint to incorporate wheel steering motor


  • No prerequisites.

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