Using Creator+ features in your LEARN course

Using Creator+ features in your LEARN course

This article provides steps to use the Creator+ features in your LEARN course.

Please note: Creator+ features are only available from the Create a File option

  1. First you must create a module in the course content area.

  2. Next, “Create a file”, this is the only place Creator+ features can be used in a LEARN course.

create a file.png


  1. From the “Create a file” page, you will see an option to Select a document template, there are four Creator+ specific templates available.

  2. If you want to insert an element, use the + option in the HTML editor bar and choose to insert an element, a practice element or select a different layout for the page.

  1. Using the insert Element option will allow you to add the below Elements to your HTML page.

  1. If you choose to insert a Practice element, you will see the below list of Practice elements available.

  1. If you choose to use Layouts, you will see the below options available.

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