Adding Equations and Math to LEARN pages

Adding Equations and Math to LEARN pages

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Adding equations using an Equation Editor

In any LEARN editor, you will have access to the Equation button. Clicking this button will give you four different equation editors to choose from.

Once the equation has been entered, it will appear formatted inline with your text. To edit the equation again, click on the equation, then click the equation button. You will see highlighted the editor you previously used to create this piece checked. Click this option to edit the equation again.

Graphical Equation

The Graphical Equation editor allow you to choose symbols and templates from a toolbar, combining them with variables and numbers that you write in to create an equation or expression.

As you add symbols and templates, some may come with fields to fill in with text; these area will be outlined in green.

The symbols and templates are sorted into tabs based on their mathematical similarities. For full documentation on how to use this tool, see Using MathType .

LaTeX Equation

While there may be use cases for using this editor, LaTeX users will likely get more utility and flexibility by entering their LaTeX code inline with the rest of their LEARN page content. See the LaTeX Inline section for more information on how to enter LaTeX code inline.

If you are familiar with the LaTeX markup language, you can create mathematical expressions with LaTeX code in this editor.

The resulting equation will always be placed on it’s own line and centre it.

MathML Equation

Regardless of what type of editor you use to create your math, almost all math on the web is converted to the MathML language when it is displayed to end users in its final form (even the other equation editors described here do this when the page is being displayed). However, most content creators do not code MathML code from scratch. This editor is typically used when you have been given MathML code from another source that you need to insert into your page.

Chemistry Equation

This editor is similar to the Graphical Equation editor. The primary difference is that the first tab of tools has been replaced with commonly used symbols in chemistry equations. Furthermore, the formatted version of the equation will use spacing common to chemistry equations, and will not italicize text by default. For full documentation on how to use this tool, see Using MathType .

LaTeX Inline

LEARN supports the entry of LaTeX math directly into the text of your LEARN page. There are three options for how to insert your LaTeX code into the text of your page:

  • Surround your LaTeX code with \( and \). This will place the formatted math inline with the rest of the text in that paragraph.

  • Surround your LaTeX code with $$ and $$. This will place the formatted math on its own line and centre it.

  • Surround your LaTeX code with \[ and \]. This will place the formatted math on its own line and centre it.

Note that, unlike math entered with the equation editors, LaTeX math stays in its coded form while you are editing the page. To see a preview of the page, Save and Close the LEARN page.

The code for centered, displayed math can either reside in the same paragraph as your other text, or can sit in its own paragraph in the LEARN editor, and LEARN will ensure the spacing around the equation remains consistent in both cases.

If you wish to enter your code on more than one line, you must make sure that you use Shift+Enter to create new lines, so that all of the math still sits with the same paragraph.

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