Adding SCORM/xAPI objects to LEARN

Adding SCORM/xAPI objects to LEARN

If you have a SCORM or xAPI object in a ZIP format, you can upload and host this object in LEARN.

Adding a SCORM/xAPI object to your course

  1. In your LEARN course, under Content, click on the Module in the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click on the arrow on the Upload/Create button and choose New SCORM/xAPI Object from the drop-down menu


  3. In the window that opens, you will see a list of SCORM/xAPI objects you have previously opened, as well as objects that have been shared with UWaterloo. If you need to upload a new object, click Bulk Upload

Any object you upload here will be available to insert into any of your other courses as well. Your list of uploads is not shared.

  • Drag the object(s) you wish to upload.

  • If you upload more than 1, you will have the option to Keep Default Properties for all files or Edit properties for all files.

  • If editing properties, give each object a meaningful name

  • You cannot change the default options in the remaining Course Package settings (they will revert to Default after clicking Next if you change them). However, you will have the option to change from the embedded player to a new window when you are inserting the object in the following steps.

  • Click Next to go back to the list of objects.

4. Choose the object you wish to add to the module and click Next

  • You can choose to create a grade item that will be linked to this object. Only create this grade item if you know that your object generates grades for users.

  • Version control allows you to choose whether you want this instance to stay updated if you intend to make updates to the original file you uploaded or not change at all for this instance of it.

  • You can now choose to have the objected embedded in the LEARN page or Open player in a new window.

  • When you have finished with these final settings, click Add.

Viewing SCORM/xAPI Reports

If your object is linked to a Grade item, those grades will be visible in the Grades area of LEARN. However, you can also check the Completion and Passed criteria as well.

  1. In the top navigation bar in LEARN, follow Content > Table of Contents > Related Tools > View Reports.

2. Click SCORM Reports.

From here, you can get general stats on either Content items or Users. Clicking on a specific object or specific student will give you further breakdowns as well.

Need help?

Contact LEARNhelp at learnhelp@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 41744 for assistance.

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