How to remove a network profile (Mac OS 13 and above)

How to remove a network profile (Mac OS 13 and above)

The instructions below are for Mac OS 13 and above.

For instructions for Mac OS 10.8 to 13 please see How to remove a network profile (Mac OS 10.8 and above)


  1. Select System Settings... from the Apple Menu.


  2. Select Wi-Fi from the left side menu.


  3. In the right-hand panel, scroll down to the bottom so you see the Advanced… button.


  4. Click on the Advanced… button to bring up the following dialogue screen

  5. Scroll down and select eduroam under Known Networks as shown below.


  6. With “eduroam” selected, press delete on your keyboard.

  7. Click on the Remove button to remove this wifi profile from this device and from your iCloud Keychain. This will remove the profile from all Apple devices using iCloud Keychain.


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