Using Exchange calendar

Exchange Calendar

  • All Connect (Exchange) users have an associated calendar that is used for the Exchange Calendar system

  • Web access to Exchange is through the Outlook Web App. Log in with your 8-character username (e.g. j25rober) and password. Click on the Calendar button to access your calendar. In the 2016 version, click the menu with nine squares and then Calendar.

  • Outlook users who use connect for email can click on the Calendar button in Outlook to access their Exchange calendar.

  • Mobile devices can connect to Exchange through ActiveSync to bring your calendar to your device.

Exchange Calendar using the Outlook Web App

These instructions are for accounts that have been moved to Exchange 2016

Exchange Calendar using Outlook 2016 desktop app

Exchange Resources

for additional articles regarding Exchange resources, please see

  • Rooms are the most common type of resources

  • Equipment can also be set up as a resource

  • Resources have their own mailbox and an owner

  • Resources use an automated booking attendant to respond to meetings. Resources will decline conflicting meetings or those that do not meet requirements set by the resource owner.

  • The resource owner can change settings and permissions on the resource and respond to meeting requests

Resource naming

  • Display names for rooms start with the responsible unit then a space, then the building and room separated by a dash

  • Descriptive information can be included at the end of the display name

  • Spaces are used to improve searching

  • Resource email addresses start with res- and then the building and room number. For equipment, email addresses include the unit name to ensure names are unique.

Examples of room names

Full Name

Email address

Full Name

Email address

IST EC2-6000


IST MC-2009 Seminar Room


Examples of equipment names

Full Name

Full Name

IST Laptop Client Services


IST Projector 1


Outlook 2010 solutions

Dealing with calendar email

Exchange generates email for each new meeting, each change to a meeting and each response to a meeting. We recommend that you set up rules on your account to filter calendar emails into a folder and keep them out of your inbox.

Use the Global Address List (GAL)

When scheduling meetings, you should always click on the To button to open the Exchange Global Address List and choose the recipients from the list. This will ensure that your message is directed to their Exchange account. Addresses you see in the To list when you start to type are remembered in an Autocomplete cache which can be out of date.


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Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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