
Due Date: Aug 16, 2022

Contributor Log




Comms Lead

Muhammad Tanveer

Team Member

@Logan Hartford



  • Documentation

  • Research

  • Practical RF

Task Description

Communications between the rover and the base station will utilize 5 Ghz, 2.4 Ghz and 900 Mhz bands. Higher bandwidth bands, such as 5Ghz, will be prioritized for higher throughput, while 900 Mhz channels will be employed over long range. Transmitting antennas mounted on the base station are directional, and all receiving antennas mounted on the rover are omnidirectional and powered over ethernet. Once the rover’s mobility platform is operational, range, latency and video streaming tests will be conducted.


Task tickets

  • research on the current system way to benchmark and stress the communication system

  • setting up the site-to-site communication(Yuchen Lin)

  • documenting the development of the communication (Yuchen Lin)

Task Breakdown

Locate any existing documentation
Talk to any past/existing members who might know about the comms system (@Farris Matar / @Lance Bantoto (Deactivated) /Melvin/ @Ivan Lim )
Set up the simpler network topology (wireless bridge between the two routers with no VLANs) and test it
Set up the VLANs to eliminate switching loop between the routers
Investigate instability in VLAN network topology
Write documentation outlining how to use the current comms system
Verify that the current comms system will work for the competition
If it is not, outline what needs to happen to get the system working
Make a proposal for changes to the comms system or for hardware purchases that will improve or rectify the current system
Verify changes
Obtain a radio operator license well before Apr 28, 2023
Submit communications system details and operator license to URC by Apr 28, 2023


Some good resources:

I’ll write up a condensed article/wiki on all the necessary theory to understand our network topology, but those videos are everything I watched to set up our current network.

Progress Journal

  • Sep 21, 2022 Ticket Created

  • Sep 25, 2022 Created a research document and an initial to-do list for the project.

  • Oct 4, 2022 Yuchen has gone through all of the URCs guidelines and advice on communications and has created a summary document.

  • Yuchen is currently working through the old google drive folder and creating documentation from that.

  • Oct 22, 2022 Yuchen has gone through all of the google drive documentation

  • Currently working on testing and researching the current set up and determining how it works

  • Nov 12, 2022 Edge routers purchase and configured

  • Nov 19, 2022 Data is being sent with new router set up

  • Jan 23, 2023 Incorporated VLANs into network to eliminate switching loop

Relevant Documentation Links