How to download WebEx ARF files on Windows

How to download WebEx ARF files on Windows

Working With WebEx ARF Files on Windows:

In This Article:

How to download WebEx ARF files on Windows

  1. Login to uwaterloo.webex.com.
  2. Select “My Recordings” from the left side of the screen.

       3. Find the title of recording you’d like to share as a download file and click the download icon on the right-hand side.

How to play WebEx ARF files on Windows

  1. Click the blue hyperlink that says, “Download the Webex Network Recording Center”.

     2. Wait for the pop-up menu to appear and click Next until you reach the page that says Install.

     3. Once the application has finished installing, open your file menu to Downloads and select the .ARF file you wish to play.

    4. The file will open in the recording player as shown below:


If the video player does not open

  1. Right click on the file name in your downloads, select “Open With” and then “Choose another app”. This will open a pop-up menu where you can select “Choose an app on your PC”.

     2. Under “Program files (x86)” in your file explorer select the “Webex” folder

    3Inside the Webex folder select the “ARF Converter” file folder, and then select “enbrconvert.exeto open the file.

    4. The file will open in the recording player as shown below:

If you are unable to see the video: 

  1. Navigate to the top menu bar and select “View”, make sure the video option is checked.

How To share your downloaded .ARF files:

  1. To share downloaded recordings, you must Convert to a .MP4 file.
  2. In the video player, navigate to the top menu bar and select “File”, then select the “Convert to .MP4” option.

   3. This will open a pop-up menu of your file explorer. In this menu select the .ARF file you would like to convert.

     4. You will then be prompted to login to Webex. The Site URL is webex.com

   5. You may be prompted to login once again. Follow the computer prompts until you have successfully downloaded the conversion tool.


  6. In the file converter there is the option to decide where to save your video. Choose the “Browse” button to access your file explorer and select a location.

     7. Once finished, click ok at the bottom of the pop-up menu.

     8. A .MP4 file will be saved in the location you specified.

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Contact the IST Service Desk at helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.