How to download WebEx ARF files on Mac

Working With WebEx ARF Files on Mac

In This Article:

How to download WebEx ARF files on Mac:

  1. Login to

  2. Select “My Recordings” from the left side of the screen.

  1. Find the title of recording you’d like to share as a download file and click the download icon on the right-hand side.

How To play WebEx ARF files on Mac:

  1. To download the .ARF file player, go to Video Recording, Video Conference Online | Cisco Webex and select the correct video player for your device.

  1. Open the downloaded file for the video player application, click on the “Network Recording Player.PNG”

  1. Follow the prompts to download the software.

  1. Once the software has finished installing, in your file finder, open the .ARF file that was downloaded earlier.

  1. The .ARF file will be opened in the video player software.

  1. If the video is not open, click the camera icon in the top right corner of the screen, or go to file and select “Video”.

How To share your downloaded .ARF files:

  1. To share downloaded recordings, you must make sure that the person receiving .ARF files downloads the Webex recording player.

It’s recommended to convert .ARF files to .MP4. The recommended way of doing this is a screen capture. Another option is to use a third-party video converter.



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