Ops Lead & Tech Lead Roles and Responsibilities

Ops Lead & Tech Lead Roles and Responsibilities

Ops lead and tech lead roles are team lead roles responsible for the entire team. Historically this was a single persons role, but has been split into two roles to reduce the work load placed on a particular person.

Ops Lead

Ops lead is responsible for communication between the team and the university. This done through the team email. This is the most important task.

Ops lead is responsible for communicating with competition officials and all associated tasks with the competition such as sign up and submitting PDR and SAR packages - this does not include creating such packages as this is a team wide task.

Ops lead has access to the team google account, this is used for uploading SAR videos to YouTube and managing the team google drive.

Ops lead should assist the business team in team funding with the university such as WEEF sponsorship. This also includes signing off on any finance related items as required by the business team.

Ops lead should help with the business team in public representation such as social media posts and maintaining the team website. This is lower priority and these tasks can be offloaded to another team member.

Ops leads must submit the term update form to Victoria at the end of each term, this is so the SSDC knows who to contact for each team in the SSDC.

Responsibilities at a glance:

  • Managing the team email - (check daily)

  • Competition POC - (once a term) - not applicable during spring term

  • WEEF Stuff - (once a term)

  • PR Stuff - (if you have time)

  • Submit term update form - (at the end of each term)

Tech Lead

Tech lead is responsible for all system level supervision and progress. the tech lead will arrange leads meetings as well as general meetings. The tech lead will assist the ops lead in finance related tasks were necessary. Help with administrative work such as confluence member registration.

Tech lead will be responsible for the Discord server, assigning all roles if necessary and managing channels where necessary.

Tech lead will be responsible booking SDC resources which is explained below.

Responsibilities at a glance:

  • Leads Meetings - (once a week)

  • General Meetings - (once a month)

  • WEEF Stuff - (once a term)

  • Discord Stuff


University Staff Members

Teerstra: Current SSDC director, any finance related questions or pressing concerns should be communicated with him. Contact him for questions about booking SDC resources

Graeme: Current SSDC manager, most inquiries go to Graeme, this includes bay safety related issues and any equipment you might need to borrow.

Victoria: Current SSDC Administrative Assistant, She lets teams know of any administrative stuff. Term Update Forms should be sent to her every term. Any less serious inquiries can go to Victoria.

URC Communication

Kevin Sloan: URC Director, All competition related communication goes through Kevin Sloan, submit required competition packages to him.

SDC Resource Booking

This is similar to WATiMake booking and is used to book rooms in the SDC which can be used for meetings for example as well as paint room and composites room. The website to book is here: mywco.com/sdc contact Teerstra to register.

IST Service Desk

Email these people for technical issues in the bay such as internet issues. They can also be contacted for confluence issues. https://uwaterloo.ca/information-systems-technology/services/ist-service-desks


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