01/15/22 - Science Mechanism Meeting Minutes

  • Hose picks up dirt and drops into test tubes, rows of 3x5

    • Test tubes slide across and are indexed

      • Quadrature encoder on motor

      • 2 proximity switches

  • Dirt gets sucked into hose

  • Currently designed so that only cameras needed to pick up test tube results

  • No spectrometer

  • Soil / moisture / CO2 sensor goes straight into the dirt

  • Camera looks at dirt and rocks (dino-lite)

  • Elevator 1 for digging and collecting soil samples

  • Elevator 2 equipped with sensors / camera

    • Can lower to look at given dirt sample

  • How to mix reagents?

    • Drive the rover around a bit?

  • Servos move test tube lids and hose output manifold up and down

  • Picking up dirt sequence

    • Move up test tube lids

    • Move up manifold

    • Move test tubes to 1st row

    • Move down manifold

    • Move down elevator 1

      • May want to lower it slowly

      • Turn on blower motor (while elevator is lowering)

        • Will only suck in dirt even if spinning in reverse direction

      • Turn on dirt spinning motor (the one attached to the bottom of the elevator)

    • Dirt will fall into the 1st row of test tubes