

Attendees: Vanessa, Anna

Useful Links


  • Sponsor Recruitment
    • Find companies from our New Sponsors Sheet and reach out via LinkedIn
    • Example message:

      Hi (name),
      I just wanted to reach out about getting (company)'s support for a design team that I'm a part of.
      Waterloo Robotics is an engineering design team composed of dedicated students from various disciplines, with a common goal of building competitive robots. For the past three years, we’ve built a Mars Rover to compete at the University Rover Challenge at the Mars Desert Research Station.
      All team members apply in-class knowledge and co-op experience to the field of robotics, creating new and exciting technology year after year. The team aims to provide opportunities for students to develop personal and professional skills while exploring the exciting field of robotics.
      If (company)is open to sponsoring our team, please let me know!
      Here is our sponsorship document:
      https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uQTFcNRp1uWbAuDdpq33BeKR5nLn-Rll/view?usp=sharing  Thanks for taking the time!
  • Budget
    • We will have a meeting with the leads Monday May 24 at 7pm to discuss spending for each subteam
    • Vanessa

  • Start of term update for sponsors
    • Each subteam's plans for the 2022 season. Reach out to leads
    • How we did last year (include our SAR score, explain that rankings won't be released)
  • New lead beginning F2021

Action Items

  • Vanessa will do budget
  • Anna will do sponsorship email