About faculty, staff and graduate student email

About faculty, staff and graduate student email

Faculty, staff, and graduate students are encouraged to use Microsoft 365 for both email and electronic calendaring. Microsoft 365 offers electronic mail, contacts, tasks, and support for mobile and web-based access. Microsoft 365 / Exchange calendar is the booking and scheduling system used at the University of Waterloo.

Get a University of Waterloo email account

Employees and past graduate students

  1. Check to see if you have an account

    1. Try logging in at https://outlook.office365.com/owa with your username and password.

  2. If you can't log in, then you do not have an account.

  3. Submit a request for an account.

New graduate students

Microsoft 365 accounts for new graduate students will be auto-created once Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) recognizes the individual as a student. Please visit our Microsoft 365 website to:

  • Enrol in Duo two-factor authentication (2FA)

  • Enter a password recovery email address

  • Learn more about accessing your Microsoft 365 account

Accessing your employee University of Waterloo email account

  • Log in to your email account (https://outlook.office365.com/owa) with your username and password. 

  • Ensure that your WatIAM email forward field is set to username@connect.uwaterloo.ca. 

  • There is a sending limit of 3600 messages per hour for Microsoft 365 accounts. 

Support resources 

About email and Outlook

Browse the Knowledge Base.

Booking and scheduling

Microsoft 365 / Exchange calendar is the booking and scheduling system used at the University of Waterloo.

When using Outlook or the Outlook Web App click on the calendar button to access your calendar. 

Friendly email addresses

Rather than using your WatIAM username as your email address, you have the option of creating a friendly email address (e.g. firstname.lastname@uwaterloo.ca).

Friendly email addresses can be easier for others to remember and type. 

Passwords and security

Requesting a generic email

Request a generic email account.

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