Status changes affecting accounts

Status changes affecting accounts

Common questions regarding your accounts (WatIAM, email) when your status changes at the University

Yes, graduate students can keep their Connect email account upon graduating from the University. 

Retirees will keep access to a University of Waterloo email address within the @uwaterloo.ca domain unless your department explicitly says otherwise. Staff retirees’ userid will be at the discretion of the University, and privileges for retired members of faculty are at the discretion of the appropriate department chair and Faculty dean. See Privileges for UW Retirees

This would be up to your faculty/department to decide.

Not if you are no longer affiliated with the University, but this would be up to your faculty/department.

Your N: drive is deleted. Your faculty/department will give you directions on where to move work-related documents that are still needed.

For information on access to O365 email and applications after leaving the University, please see Access to Microsoft 365 email and applications by audience

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