Email Threat Protection
About this service
The current threat protection tool, Cisco Email Security (CES), is an email security gateway product designed to detect and block, or help manage a wide variety of email threats, such as malware, Spam, and phishing attempts.
CES applies to Exchange/Microsoft 365 accounts.
Who can use this service | Students, Graduate Students, Instructors, Faculty, Researchers, Staff, Alumni |
How to request this service | No request necessary. This service is a built-in feature of Exchange/Microsoft 365 email accounts. |
Support for this service | Please submit service requests to |
Pricing/cost | No cost. |
Additional service resources
Resources may be located within the IST Knowledge Base or on a website outside of this Confluence space.
Forward email as attachment (reporting spam and phishing attempts)
IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry
Service catalogue feedback
If you’d like to share any feedback about this service catalogue entry, please let us know.