IST Service Desk FAQ's

IST Service Desk FAQ's

  1. I want to create my email account
    Undergraduate and Graduate students receive Microsoft 365 email accounts. See Getting started with Microsoft 365 for more information. General information about email on campus is available on the email resource page.

  2. Where can I use computers on campus?
    Most computing labs on campus are Nexus labs. You can log into any Nexus computer using your University of Waterloo Identity and Access Management (WatIAM) user ID (also used for Quest, LEARN, Workday, etc).

  3. What software can I get for free or at a reduced cost?
    Freely distributable software for the University of Waterloo community is available through our Software Depot.

    There are also public computing stations in the libraries which do not require a login, but can only save your data to a disk you provide.

  4. Can you help diagnose what’s wrong with my machine? Can you save my data?
    If you suspect your computer is infected, would like to back up or recover your files, or need to reinstall your operating system, you can visit an IST Service Desk if you require assistance.

  5. How can I print on campus?
    You can read about the several choices for printing on campus on our printing information web page.

  6. How can I scan a document on campus?
    There a several locations on campus that provide scanning services. For a full list of these locations see our scanning services page.

  7. I can no longer log into the wireless network/I received an email saying my computer might be infected.
    If you receive an email message saying your access privileges have been suspended, or the authentication page gives you an error regarding system patches or unauthorized use, follow our directions to understand why, and how to regain access.

Can't connect for other reasons? Contact the IST Service Desk for assistance.

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